Cyndi Smasal, CPDT-KA

Integrative Pet Specialist
Contact Cyndi


Some Interesting Facts About Me

Dogs Trained

Years Experience

Books Written

Dogs Helped


  • Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA)
  • Member of Association of Professional Dog Trainers
  • Pet Nutrition Specialist
  • Pet Expert on
  • BS Computer Science

Cyndi Smasal is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Integrative Pet Specialist, Pet Care/Health Coach and Pet Nutrition Specialist. She is also the author of two books: “Hope for Healing Liver Disease in Your Dog” and “Help Me! My Dog Won’t Eat”.

Cyndi was born and raised in San Antonio Texas. She has a Bachelors of Science in Computer Science and had a 25 year career in the computer industry. Her love of saving dogs led her to leave the computer world and embark on a new journey to help pet parents take the best care of their dogs through nutrition, holistic healing and dog training.

For the past 18 years, Cyndi Smasal has turned her love of one dog Norman (the subject of her first book), into a passion for all dogs. She’s helped thousands of dog lovers through her book and hundreds have spoken with her about their own dogs with liver disease. Cyndi has studied canine nutrition, animal naturopathy, natural and holistic animal care, animal communication and positive dog training.

She has cared for 7 of her own dogs and 3 cats through liver disease, arthritis, thunderstorm phobias, sensitive skin and stomachs, food allergies, heart murmurs, cancer, old age, behavior issues and all of the other normal challenges of owning dogs and cats.

She has also coached many other pet parents in all areas of caring for their dogs and cats and she trains puppies and adult dogs (from beginner to AKC Canine Good Citizen).

Cyndi uses her God given ability to research, sort, analyze, and consolidate so you can cut through the often overwhelming and conflicting information that is out there and go straight to what you need to know to help your dog. She tests the theories; she looks at trends and sorts through the fads. She also stays up-to-date with the individual and organizational experts so she can compile the best of the best resources so you don’t have to do the work yourself.

Cyndi is the founder and Chief Dog Lover of Pawtastic Pet Solutions. This is the fulfillment of Cyndi’s vision of a pet service provider where everyday people can find out what they need to know to take the best care of their pets. Cyndi continues to be a beacon of HOPE. So many times we feel powerless to help our dogs or to care for our dogs or train them properly. So when the traditional vet’s offer no hope, Cyndi is there to give you hope and options.

I work with people who love their pets and who are interested in what’s best for their pets…good nutrition, positive training and alternative health care options.

I provide solutions to:

  • Give your dog the best diet for their health and longevity
  • Deal with the challenges that come with caring for a dog at different stages of their life
  • Care for a pet with a chronic illness and making end of life decisions
  • Train your dog, while sprinkling in a little fun and good information
  • Give you access to your pet’s perspective on his or her needs and wishes
The path to being an Integrated Pet Specialist started in 2003 when my dog Norman was sick with arthritis and healing from past liver damage. I always had a strong connection with him but spending 2 years healing him from liver disease had created an even stronger bond. When his arthritis got too bad and he had trouble getting up and down stairs and going outside I decided to talk to a Pet Communicator to see if it was time to let him go.

I worked with a Pet Communicator and had the best experience hearing a specific message from Norman to me and then a message for others that came for a book I wrote about healing Norman from liver disease. That experience changed my life and planted the seed for becoming a Pet Communicator myself.

I published my first book in 2003 – Hope for Healing Liver Disease in Your Dog. In 2005 I started doing Liver Disease Consultations with people about their dogs with liver disease. I am so proud that this book and my consultations have now helped thousands of dogs and their pet parents.

In 2012 I finally accepted the calling for being a Pet Communicator and began my training. I’ve been professionally trained and certified as a Pet Communicator and I continue working with and learning from several Master Animal Communicators and Healers. It is a lifelong training program that I will continue to enjoy.

I started by talking to my own pets and then I offered to talk to my friends and families animals. With every conversation I learn more about the craft and I learn more about the beauty and intelligence of our companion animals.

In 2013 while still training and practicing pet communication, I got a job as a Pet Nutrition Specialist and worked in big pet stores. I helped people find the best food for their dogs’ health needs.

I have had an interest in canine nutrition and home-cooked diets since I started cooking for my dog Norman back in 2003. After learning more about commercial diets I decided to take further courses in canine nutrition and diet formulation. I also started using Pet Diet Designer Software to create custom diets for for my own dogs and for dogs with liver disease.

In 2014 I founded the Hope for Healing Dog Resource Center and wrote my second book, “Help Me! My Dog Won’t Eat” after dealing with my own picky dog eater and another sick dog who wouldn’t eat.

In 2015 I completed my training to be a Dog Trainer and worked in large pet store as dog trainer. Working with over 300 dogs and their owners…

In 2016, my skills and passion for animal well-being came together in a new business – Pawtastic Pet Solutions…

Canine Nutrition Training:

I have been feeding home cooked diets for my healthy and sick dogs for 14 years.

I studied canine nutrition at American Council of Animal Naturopathy and other online nutrition training courses for 2 years (species appropriate home-prepared raw and cooked diets).

I have been using the Pet Diet Designer software for 2 years to create custom diets for my own dogs and clients with dogs with liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, IBD, allergies and cancer. (Following NRC guidelines and Small Animal Clinical Nutrition guidelines)

I worked as a pet food representative at pet store for a year. In that position, I learned all the pet food industry jargon and marketing techniques along with their formal pet food industry “nutrition training”.

I worked at big pet store and smaller “natural” pet store for 2 years as Pet Nutrition Specialist. In that position, I completed pet nutrition training (commercial diets) and spoke with pet food representatives from all major brands and learned all their specialties and what each formula is recommended for specific needs.

Dog Training:

I’ve been training my own dogs since the ‘90’s.

I completed a dog trainer instructor program (private certification) and taught group dog training classes at pet store for 2 years. I’ve been doing in-home dog training since 2016. I’ve worked with over 300 dogs and their people.

Animal Communication Training:

In 2012 I began my Animal Communication training. I spent 2 years in professional training classes and I am certified as a Pet Communicator. I continue to work with and learn from several Master Animal Communicators and Healers. It is a lifelong training program that I continue to enjoy.

Pet Coach Training:

I completed Personal and Business Coach Training in 2003.

I have been coaching/consulting with people about their dogs with liver disease since 2005.

I studied animal natropathy at American Council of Animal Naturopathy in 2013.

I participated in professional  training and development courses and education for 6 years with Landmark Education.

I became a Pet Expert on in 2014.

What is an Integrative Pet Specialist?

I combine my skills as a Professional Dog Trainer with my knowledge, intuition and experience in nutrition, health and wellness to provide a full array of pet solutions that are integrated to work with you and your pet using a holistic/whole systems approach.

Behavior Issues

When your pet has a behavior issue, I look to see if it’s a training issue, or part of a health condition, or related to diet. Then use intuition and experience to come up with a training plan.

Emotional Concern

When your pet is anxious, lethargic, depressed or you have emotional/relational concerns, I use intuition to determine what your pet is trying to tell you.

Health Concern

When your pet has a health concern, I look from a holistic perspective to see how diet can impact, what supplements can benefit and use intuition, knowledge and experience to coach you.

Integrative Services Provided

Positive Dog Training

Train your puppy to grow into a happy, healthy, well-behaved companion dog that you look forward to living with for a lifetime.

Train your dog with you or do the training for you in your home on your schedule


Nutrition Consultation

Personalized nutrition consultation for choosing commercial food and supplements that promote healthy digestion, joints and bones, skin and fur.

Analyze current diet or formulate custom home-prepared raw or cooked (fresh food) diets/recipes and toppers for dogs and puppies.


Canine Health & Wellness Coaching

Knowledge, experience and intuition to empower you with accurate information so you can make the best choices to meet  your dog’s nutritional, physical, emotional and social needs.

Does not replace the services of a Vet.

Get In Touch With Cyndi To Discuss Your Specific Needs

Thank you for considering me to be your Dog Trainer/Pet Coach, and thank you even more, for being a HUGE pet lover! People like you, who are willing to go the extra mile for their pets really inspire me.

Please feel free to contact me. I’d love to help you by answering your questions and sharing my knowledge with you so your pet can live a long, happy, healthy life.

Cyndi Smasal

Cyndi Smasal

Certified Professional Dog Trainer / Integrative Pet Specialist

Author, Pet Nutrition Specialist, Pet Care/Health Coach, Pet Intuitive

Contact Info:



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