1) Improve the quality of your dog’s diet. If you are feeding a processed commercial diet, he’s getting a dose of chemical additives, artificial colors and flavors with every bite. Feed him a clean, balanced and species-appropriate diet of fresh non-GMO foods.

2) Add naturally detoxifying foods to the diet, including broccoli, kale, artichoke hearts, collard greens, beets, spinach, dandelion greens, asparagus and parsley.

3) Provide clean, pure, high quality drinking water. It shouldn’t contain fluoride, heavy metals, or other contaminants.

4) Improve indoor air quality. Forbid smoking in your home, and use only non-toxic cleaning products. Avoid synthetic perfumes, air fresheners, plug-ins, or toxic dryer sheets.

5) Make sure your dog gets an appropriate amount of regular exercise. Physical movement promotes regular elimination, which helps remove waste from the body. Exercise also stimulates blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, so toxins are moved efficiently to the liver and kidneys for processing.

6) Minimize exposure to outdoor pollutants and chemicals. Keep your dog away from areas treated with pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers. Rinse him off more often to remove contaminants from his body.

7) Keep veterinary drugs, including vaccines, to a minimum. Don’t subject your dog to yearly revaccinations or unnecessary drugs of any kind.

8) Use chemical pest and parasite preventives only when absolutely necessary, and for the minimum time necessary to protect your dog. Look for safe, natural alternatives.